Kieran Revell is a positive, compassion-driven thought leader and change agent. He believes totally in the power of the human spirit. He has amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience and brings it to his clients through life-enriching books and programs.

The Unstoppable Power Within
This book is the first in Kieran Revell's 'Enrichment for Life Series'. It offers a comprehensive, step by step guide to enriching and empowering all aspects of your personal and professional lives. It offers a fresh perspective on an everyday approach to living.
Whether you're a business owner, manager, community leader or individual trying to find your way in life, each chapter of this book is a blueprint for excellence. Kieran has included an important chapter on 'Empowering Our Children'.
The book has received unprecedented support from the world's leading speakers and coaches. They include an amazing forward by Loral Langemeier and powerful messages of praise from T. Harv Eker; Brian Tracy; Jim Stovall; Bob Proctor; Dr. Joe Rubino; Dr. John F. Demartini; Josh Hinds; Terry Hawkins; Jim Stovall; Jim Donovan; John Harricharan and many others.
Release Your Unstoppable Power
In this second great book in his 'Enrichment for Life Series', Kieran continues the powerful theme of personal and professional development he began in his first book. Each chapter is a complete step on life's amazing journey. Together they offer potent information and an end of chapter summation of the salient points.
Many business owners, leaders and individuals strive for a fresh and innovative approach to create much more in their lives. The wealth of information presented here can help find the opportunity to enrich the lives of peers, employees, family members, friends and neighbours.
This book has also received amazing support. It includes an inspiring foreword from Bill Bartmann and outstanding praise from Lisa Jimenez; Dr. Joe Rubino; T. Harv Eker; Jim Donovan; Marci Shimoff; Brian Tracy; Bob Proctor; Eva Gregory; Dr. Joe Rubino; Dame DC Cordova; Derek Mills; Terry Hawkins; Jim Stovall; John Harricharan and many others.
Both books are available globally at leading bookstores. If your local bookstore doesn't stock them, ask 'Why not'?
The books can also be purchased through the publishing house, Sound Wisdom of Pennsylvania and of course online at Amazon and other major sources.
Order your own personal copies today and begin the transformation for yourself and your business. You can also buy copies as gifts for family member, friends, neighbor, work colleagues and valued clients.
Both books are powerful tools to have in your life-enriching arsenal. They contain all you need to help set your inner GPS to guide you in the right direction.
The Seven Piers of Ethical Leadership
‘Leadership with integrity means trust and vision; respect, tolerance and understanding; compassion and generosity. It totally rejects coercion, dishonesty and a ruthless approach to living. Which model do you embrace'​
This is not your everyday leadership model. Kieran Revell has developed this extraordinary program, using his extensive life experience in and with business. He also called on his time living on the streets and interaction with homeless people to create a specific program to assist business leaders, employers, employees and individuals build more productive lives.
For many years Kieran has worked in a variety of business roles, specifically to observe the 'leaders' in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. He was amazed at how many faltered, simply because of a lack of training in a more ethical approach to everyday business practices. He also witnessed some moments of greatness, through simple generosity, compassion and understanding from leaders who adopted an altruistic approach to their lives.
As a result, he has developed his Seven Piers initiative to re-energize the workplace, elevate confidence and re-initiate harmony. Whether you choose a one, two or seven day seminar, you have the opportunity to build a solid, ethical business platform, from which to launch a new and innovative credo.
To support his life-changing programs Kieran has created a storehouse of online information, including posts on a number of sites and YouTube videos, designed to assist in your extraordinary journey of discovery.
Kieran can help you to build a great business (and a wonderful life) of which and your family can be immensely proud. The first step begins right here and right now .. today!
Kieran Revell International has programs specifically designed to empower your business. No matter what your industry might be, Kieran is happy to work with you to develp a specifically designed Ethical Leadership program to assist your growth and development and improve your overall business success.
Effective Communication (for the Competitive Edge)
‘There is strength and courage in empowered communication. It opens door, builds businesses and brings down barriers. It also creates smiles and develops friendships’
Kieran has been involved in the many aspects of communication for more than 25 years. He realized at an early age the necessity for effective interaction in any business undertaking, especially in the current high-powered, global environment.
Kieran has taught countless people to re-connect with their inner power and open themselves to effective interpersonal relationships. Whether making a formal presentation or simply enriching the workplace, home or local community, Revell has given many people the tools to build their confidence, boost their enthusiasm and subsequently open doors to a more prosperous future.
Kieran developed his effective communication program on the back of his experience with various business houses. In those times he uncovered obvious flaws in the communication processes and set about initiating an effective program for change. He also found some great communicators who invested their time and energy in creating a very positive and uplifting work environment. He learned from those very positive experiences and added that information to his program and his life journey.
The program offers a very comprehensive and at times, light-hearted approach to the entire process of effective communication. It breaks the procedure down into the various important components.
Whether you choose a one, two or seven day seminar, the results can be amazing for yourself, your business, the family and even the neighbourhood and community in which you live.
When you lead by example and create a positive and life-enriching environment in which to work and live, you suddenly give people reasons to believe in you. Their confidence and feelings of self-worth grow as they play it forward to others in their lives.
Once again, irrespective of your business, Revell has developed various initiatives to assist your growth and development. He's happy to work with you to create an ideal program for your workplace.
This is now the right time to empower and enrich your workplace. Lift the shutters and allow the light of effective communication to shine through. The changes will amaze you and inspire you to do even more with your life.
The Nine Powerful Pillars of Great Customer Service
'Great customer service involves respect, good communication, trust and faith. Build your business on a solid platform and when all these factors are in your place and your product/service is sound, your business has a great opportunity to thrive'
At Kieran Revell International we have created a very unique initiative for customer service personnel. We have identified what we term 'The Nine Powerful Pillars of Great Customer Service'. These form the solid foundation upon which we base the success of any organisation.
Great customer service begins with the understanding that every new day brings with it, a brand new set of opportunities to grow and evolve. No matter what business you're in, you can start over every day. You have the opportunity to create something amazing when you make the decision to step up to the challenge.
Know your product and service intimately and use every interaction as a way of building your brand and creating repeat customers. According to Carl W. Buechner, "People may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel".
Great customer experiences should be memorable - as much for the employee as the customer. It's this first interaction which can determine the life of the relationship.
Those who aspire to a career in customer service should always remember they hold in their hands, the success and longevity of the business. Every individual has the ability to build amazing goodwill between the company and the customer.
Kieran Revell International created 'The Nine Pillars' as a unique and powerful program, considered crucial to business success. The step by step process delivers a very positive network for change. It also offers a sometimes light-hearted look at the entire subject of customer service.
Irrespective of your business model, there is no place for complacency or procrastination. The global marketplace is growing smaller and smaller, while competition is increasing at a rapid rate. 'The Nine Pillars' initiative offers a fresh and encouraging perspective on the subject of Great Customer Service.
The time is right to enrich and empower the workplace. Step up to the challenge and give your staff members the tools they need to do an amazing job for you. The future of your business could depend upon it!
Imagine the possibilities ….